Our leadership development, getting what we want and creating the lives we desire to live can be a complex process, but most often not as complex as we think. I find over and over again a couple of very common themes when speaking about leadership development. (After all, being human beings, we tend to have common threads of leadership skills and personal growth potentional and it makes it really convenient to help us learn together.) A couple of these helpful themes for leadership development and personal development are: 1) get quiet, breathe, 2) look inside for answers, trust your inner knowing, 3) directly engage, don’t waste your time in “he said/she said,” making stuff up, and gossip, 4) take excellent care of yourself in the process, and, 5) just do…after contemplation, due diligence and decision making - action must occur for any leadership development or personal development to occur.
Whether someone is working on leadership development, their business leadership skills or their personal life leadership role, I believe that it is necessary that we look inside ourselves for answers, that we take great care of ourselves while we do it, and that we put it all to good use focusing on action, outcomes and results. There’s the “being” of life and leadership development, and the “doing”….one cannot escape the other, as much as we might try or believe it can work (in a sustainable and peaceful fashion!) There’s an integration of the being and doing when talking about leadership development, and an opportunity for a very holistic approach to all of it. When we stop, implement even one or two of the five things I mention above, and move forward, we become more aware, leadership development happens, our life unfolds even more. Our leadership development is a beautiful thing.
I’ve come to call this “Leaderism.” It’s easy to remember, offers a kicky and unique style to look at leadership development, and it’s fun. I find that it sticks, puts a kick in one’s step, and it’s sticks because it’s congruent with the individual - after all, they choose their path, their plan and their action. It’s theirs. It’s not hard, but it’s effective. Leadership development is not complex, but it’s powerful. And it’s not for me to say WHAT it means for you, but leadership development is yours to discover.
So what is Leaderism? In a nutshell think Eastern Philosophy (wellness, spirituality, joy, peace) meets Western Philosophy (business, great results, leadership development, bottom lines and personal growth), add in “love, will and perseverance” as core secret ingredients, and you have a way of creating sustainable results, authentic leadership development and joy in the process.
Here are 7 of the core Laws of Leaderism. The “Laws” are the guiding beliefs and principles for leadership development whether it is Global Leadership, Youth Leadership, Business Leadership and Personal Life Leadership development and Goal Achievement.
• Leadership Development Law One: We’re all on our own personal development pathway to prosperity; it’s dynamic and evolving…It’s yours, you lead it, you follow it. For leadership development to manifest we must adopt personal responsibilty.
• Leadership Development Two: Self awareness is key for determining who you are, and will allow you to bridge the gap between where we are now and where we want to go.
• Leadership Development Three: Conscious energy leadership development & vitality are the secret weapons to sustainable leadership skills.
• Leadership Development Four: People make the world go round…The quality of your relationships, leadership development and engagement with those around you significantly impacts the quality of your leadership ability.
• Leadership Development Five: Intentional presence & mindset drives much better results…Whether we acknowledge it or not, we create impact without saying a word, through our “way of being,” and through our mindset. The growth of our Millionaire Mind and our leadership development are vital to motivate, inspire and improve our lives and the lives of others.
• Leadership Development Six: Authentic systems, structures, and caring, co-designed relationships create the foundation to leadership development and “getting it done” in a more rewarding and effective way.
• Leadership Development Seven: Leadership development is a way of being and leading is a verb. Leadership development is all about leading and doing it as positively and proactively as possible to help you build a more rewarding life and a more effective relationships, comapny’s and organizations.
I hope to see you out there at high level soon, enjoying your leadership development and loving your life!
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